Once Upon A Space
A Factual Series, Behind the Scenes
“In a world where humans are disconnected, where products are returned, where places are unvisited and decisions are untaken…one possibility has been left unexplored. Empty space is the world’s most abundant resource and using it to launch the holographic spatial realm can be far more than entertainment. Paul Duffy introduces you to a whole new world of connection and exchange beyond the digital screen. The spatial realm is not the metaverse. Instead of disappearing into a virtual world, we bring the virtual to the real world. The spatial realm is the real world, better.”
ONCE UPON A SPACE is the soon-to-be-true story of holographic reality as we move beyond screens into augmented immersion.
Advances in AR and AI mean holographic immersion is just about to transcend science fiction and entertainment to become a vital part of the way we live.
Today, holograms are used for storage and security, for display and presentation. Tomorrow, they will be used for everything from personal appearance to product distribution, from cultural tourism and event venues to data and IP.
ONCE UPON A SPACE is a factual mini-series which shares the story of holography from its inception in science fiction to its emerging future ubiquity. Told in seven instalments, this is the first time the entire realm is revealed, from people and products to places and data. Beyond its commercial applications, immersive holography will radically reshape the way we learn, travel, heal and decide. Holography will also reshape the future of entertainment as media experience becomes three-dimensional.
Creator of numerous holographic worlds and multiple innovative start-ups, Paul Duffy is a speaker, author and entrepreneur. ONCE UPON A SPACE is his first film concept, inspired by the great tradition of holographers back to the original inventor Dennis Gabor.
Holography is a visual experience transformed into a tangible, memorable event. Crossing the spectrum from science fiction to augmented reality in our lifetime, immersive holography is the new mass medium after the mobile internet.
Producer and narrator Paul Duffy mediates a new world where people connect, buy and sell products, visit destinations and make complex decisions in whole new ways.
ONCE UPON A SPACE is popular science for today’s streaming audiences – a visual feast for eyes tired from two dimensions. Covering the full story from the optical illusion of Pepper’s Ghost on the nineteenth-century stage to tomorrow’s immersive data worlds, this unique mini-series will appeal to the four quadrants.
Contact Paul
To contact Paul, feel free to reach out directly at these coordinates for a full Media Kit:
email: Paul@MoonShotInc.co